integrations.misp.integration module

Honeycomb MISP integration.


alias of integrations.misp.integration.MISPIntegration

class integrations.misp.integration.MISPIntegration(integration_data)[source]

Bases: integrationmanager.integration_utils.BaseIntegration

Honeycomb MISP integration.


No special formatting needed.

misp = None

MISP instance.

misp_dict = {'MD5': [('add_hashes', 'md5')], 'additional_fields': '', 'domain': ['add_domain'], 'image_path': [('add_filename', 'filename'), ('add_attachment', 'attachment')], 'image_sha256': [('add_hashes', 'sha256')], 'originating_hostname': [('add_hostname', 'hostname')], 'originating_ip': [('add_ipsrc', 'ipsrc')]}

A list of methods to call on event. Methods are tuples of (method_name, value_kwarg).


Send MISP event.

PyMISP parameters are passed directly to requests. The ssl parameter can be either True/False to control requests.Session.verify, but can also be a path to CA cert file


Test connectivity to MISP and fetch details about server.

Parameters are passed directly to PyMISP which in turn passes them to requests. The ssl parameter can be either True/False to control verify_ssl but can also be a path to CA cert file .. seealso:: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#ssl-cert-verification